Friday, February 12, 2010

Full Stomach 12 Weeks Pregnant I Think Im 9 Weeks Pregnant, But Not Sure. I Hav 12 Symptoms Of Preganancy Including A Growing Stomach. HELP!!?

I think im 9 weeks pregnant, but not sure. I hav 12 symptoms of preganancy including a growing stomach. HELP!!? - full stomach 12 weeks pregnant

12 symptoms:

Increase beelly
Completed in full and breast tenderness
Back pain / headache
constant nausea
My stomach reacts to music
frequent urination
apeteite Change
hormonal changes
Taste of things is this
My stomach is firm and delicate in jeans
and uncomfortable to sleep on their backs


kαngєl // jαkє & tчlєrs mummч said...

Take, for God's sake - you take a pregnancy test !!!!!!!!!!

EDIT: In just 9 weeks, which is no longer on the head, and certainly not responding to the music! LOL

Jessica said...

You have stayed away your period? If so, then I would say it's def. pregnant bcuz all the other symptoms that you sent signals of pregnancy.

There are still a small chance of previous pregnancies, even if your rules, but it is very rare and are usually not big time.

Furthermore the belly of a pregnant woman is usually not begun to grow up to 3 or 4 months, so it can easily put on weight.

Basically, if you (not your time or not) and are concerned that you might be pregnant, a pregnancy test, can at Wal Mart or a dollar store less than ten U.S. purchased dollars. very cheap.

Good luck!

Kate W said...

9 weeks is too early for some of the symptoms. You want to be pregnant? You can about what you thought, or his desperate, they want to be involved. The beginning of the breasts can be tender and can cause nausea. Your stomach should not be different, however, and sleep on your back is up to 4 months ago. Relax alittle and a test to be sure.

Cadence Jade's Mommy said...

First ... 9 weeks to some of the symptoms still wouldnt happen. Wouldnt you feel any movement (a reaction to the music), until the first 16 weeks .... perhaps even later then that. More ... 9 weeks, you should be positive for pregnancy ... or at least your ass to the doctor. How old are you?

MomtoAng... said...

Have you ran out of time? Do you have a test? If you do not have time and you had a negative result, then it is probably wasting is not pregnant. If you forgot your period, you should make an appointment with your doctor.

srl5484 said...

These are all symptoms of Prego, but lost peirod? If you are Prego 9 weeks, you should see a doctor now, you have to pass a test and know!

Eric W said...

Bring it to the nearest free clinic to be tested. Early detection can have the child a better chance of survival. Prenatal vitamins are !!!!!!!!!!! YA

No-one said...

Why does your stomach has to react to music in just 9 weeks ?!?!? Pregnant

tory said...

a pregnancy test! In addition, you already have a menstrual delay?

dazednco... said...

ok, to AST sound rude or ..... sounds UR 13, to be in this case u should not do the books that hit the sack!

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